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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why ship is called "she"

we usually refer that a ship is adress as "she". But it mostly filled up by the men. Why not address the ship as "he"? The reasons are as follow

1. There is always a great deal of bustle around her

2. There is usually a gang of men about

3. She has a waist and stays

4. It takes a lot of paint to keep her looking good

5. She shows her topside and hides her bottom

6. She can be all decked out (decorated)

7. It takes an experienced man to handle her correctly

8. Without a man at the helm, she is absolutely uncontrolable

9. It is not the initial expense that breaks you, it is the upkeep!

10. Ship's bottom is always wet...

(Credit to Lt Cdr Syazmihizna bte Saharani. Majalah samudera)
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